New coalition presents coalition program on Friday, June 26, 2020 from 10:00 am to 11:30 am
After a period of digital negotiation, the new coalition, consisting of six parties: SGP, VVD, Krimpens Belang, CDA, Christen Unie and PvdA, will present the jointly drawn up coalition program to the press on Friday 26 June 2020 from 10 am to 11.30 am under the motto:
"Balanced by the crisis."
In the presence of the coalition partners, candidate councilors and members of the press, a brief explanation will be given by the formator and also chairman of the SGP, Arrèn van Tienhoven. After the signing of the program, the chairmen of the six parties will each make a brief statement and the candidate councilors will introduce themselves briefly. Finally, members of the press who are present will have the opportunity to ask substantive questions to candidate councilors and group chairmen
The press presentation will take place in the council chamber of the town hall. Due to the measures in force due to corona and the layout of the council chamber, it is not possible to give interested parties and interested parties the opportunity to physically attend this presentation. That is why we offer all interested parties the opportunity to follow the presentation live from home via the link
The presentation will also be shared afterwards via the website and social media of the new coalition parties.
The coalition program will be available on the six parties' websites and social media from 08:00 on Friday morning.
The coalition parties want to give everyone the opportunity to discuss the content of the coalition program. They are happy to answer all your questions by telephone and in writing.
© 2020 Lokale Omroep Krimpen
Source: Original article (Dutch)
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