Kijk op Krimpen is the weekly news and current affairs program of the local broadcaster Krimpen.
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Presentation: Terry Mace Hardyman and Dick de Klerk
These were the topics of this week:
- The weather chat with Jan Dekker
[AUDIO 195 2020-09-05 - Weather talk Jan Dekker]
- A conversation with Cindy Snoeck from the Regional Museum. September 12 is Heritage Day, what is there to do on this day?
[AUDIO 196 2020-09-05 - Heritage Day]
- Edmee Bartelse of the Cultuurwerkplaats explains what can be done in the new theater season in the Tuyter.
[AUDIO 197 2020-09-05 - Cultural program de Tuyter until December]
- September 9 is the Krimpen day of inclusivity. A conversation with Corien Delger-Vis, UN Ambassador for mobility for the municipality of Krimpen and Roos van Esch of the Krimpenwijzer.
[AUDIO 192 2020-09-05 - Shrinkage day of inclusion (summary)]
- Column by Bert van Oosterhout
[AUDIO 198 2020-09-05 Column Bert van Oosterhout]
- Ice sports, what can we expect in the sports program this week.
[AUDIO 199 2020-09-05 - Ice Cream Sport]
- Developments in the social domain with councilor Hugo van der Wal
[AUDIO 193 2020-09-05 - Developments in the Social Domain]
- Adjustments APV Krimpen aan den IJssel, a conversation with Mayor Martijn Vroom
[AUDIO 194 2020-09-05 Changes APV Krimpen aan den IJssel]
© 2020 Lokale Omroep Krimpen
Source: Original article (Dutch)
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